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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Colorado or Bust!

Hi there from our new home in Longmont, Colorado! Many of you have wondered how we are doing here. I am happy to report that we are now settled in our new home. But let me tell you, not one thing happened as I had planned...not ONE! It all started a few months ago when Dave (my hubby) had the opportunity to relocate here from our beloved home in San Jose, CA. He could have stayed in CA, but we took it to prayer. To be honest, my prayers were half-hearted. I KNEW God wanted me in CA. We had a wonderful church, many awesome friends and I had started a non-profit for women who have had their kids taken away and were working on getting them back and staying clean and sober. I LOVED my life in CA. It was so comfortable and fun! I had the best life! But then we heard that still, small voice..."go to Colorado". What? I must have hearing loss (from all those loud heavy metal concerts I went to as a teen). Surely the Lord must have been having a bad day and was a bit confused. So we told the Lord that we would take the next step, which was finding out about the job, then flying out to look at the area and homes. Everything was falling into place. What? This made no sense. We then took this to our elder board at our not perfect, but amazing church. We asked them to pray over us and that if they felt we shouldn't move, we would stay. I had one more loophole. What were the chances that they would all hear from God that we should go? They not only heard from God, but our pastor got a vision and our best friend on the board got a clear answer that we were to go. Now I was stuck. I HAD to leave now. So I began to start focusing on all the great things about CO. More room, less stress, great outdoor activities, better schools etc. This helped a lot! Until we had to leave. Our friends and church sent us off right! We were honored, prayed for, loved on...it was surreal! So we were on our way. We had 60 days to stay in a hotel paid for by Dave's work. My plan was that we would find a home in 2 weeks, have a 30 day escrow and *bam* we were outta the hotel. This plan failed. We came to CO with 5 kids. We had to get 2 suites so all my teens were in one suite and the boys and parents in the other. Have you ever tried to keep 2 active boys happy in a small room with noise that traveled above you AND below you? We had to take them out every day or take them to the hotel pool. We ended up staying there for 10 weeks! The kids started telling the front clerk about their days when they came home from school and when my hubby came home from work he would walk in the front door of the hotel and say "I'm home honey!" Oh, and did I mention we also had a dog with us? Yes, Mia had to be taken out a lot to go potty and we lost her more than once. There were multiple times one of the staff of the hotel would be seen carrying Mia in because they found her wandering outside. But there were good times too. Like eating a free breakfast every day. Meeting another family next to us and hanging out with them...we would have breakfast with them, BBQ on the hotel patio, and play in the pool with their kids almost every day! There was also the room cleaning. Everyday my beds were made and new towels hung. Not bad, huh? But on Nov 3, 2011 we finally moved into our new home. I must tell you the cool story of how God brought us to this house. But I need to wash some towels and make some beds now, so I will write more soon...and post pictures. We miss you all in CA!


  1. Awesome post! I prayed the whole time. Now I'm praying for the full fit, including kindred spirit friends for everyone. ~ Steph

  2. P.S. I miss you tremendously
