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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love is Blind

Love is blind!

That’s what I thought when my love asked me to be his bride.

Why would a man take a broken woman to call his own?  Physically torn down.  Emotionally broken.  Spiritually young.

I was messed up. Had issues. Lived in shame.

But he saw through all that to what I would become.  Called me his butterfly.  Trusted God to tame me.
I didn’t know how to cook, clean or love a husband.  I was damaged goods.

I burnt dinner, couldn’t clean a bathroom and spent too much money.  He patiently taught, encouraged, prayed.

But then the impossible happened.  The shame-filled caterpillar finally came out of her cocoon a full fledged butterfly.  

She dreamed big dreams and he made them happen.   
Her passion burned and he fueled the fire.  
She took risks and he jumped with her.

He never told her she could not do it. Never said it was Impossible.  He gave her wings to fly and then sat back and watched.  He watched her become brave.  He watched her become free. He watched her soar.

Isn’t that how God works? Sees what we will be, instead of what we have been.  Loves us not as we should be, but as we are.  Gives us wings so we can fly?

I am the woman I am today in a large part because of my man.  He trusted God when others told him to not marry me.  He saw me for who I am.  Now, after 22 years of trudging through issues, loosing kids, gaining kids with trauma, two almost fatal births, failure, success, tears, anger, joy, police, abuse, fostering, adoption and hanging on to the robe strings of God , I say I would do it all again. 

I would say “I do” again. 

Love is blind? I think to a certain extent.  We had no idea what we were in for on our blissful wedding day.  But I say that love is the only way to see.  To see God turn trauma into healing.  Anger into forgiveness.  Failure into redemption. 

Truly, Love’s eyes are wide open.  And they see you for who you are. Where you are.  How you are.

As I turned on my wedding day to look into the starry eyes of my love, I choose now to turn and face the One who can see all of me.  Accept all of me.  Change all of me.

And I am set free to fly higher.