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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Who are you?

Fearful. Hurt. Disappointed.

That is how I have been feeling the past few weeks.  I am a mother who has kids with brain damage from being infused with drugs and alcohol while in the womb.  This has caused havoc in our home for years.  When we learn new tool, things get better for a while.  But then a new wound will appear in a child and we start all over again.  As they get older, the loss of their birth parents becomes greater as they realize the deep rejection and sadness.  Top that off with a huge dose of brain damage and you have yourself chaos.  Well, the past few weeks the chaos has returned and I found myself defeated, angry and depressed. 
So I do what any survivor would do…put up walls of protection, control and live in fear of the future.  I realized last night that what I am doing is not only unhealthy, but is taking the joy right out of my life.  I have been trying my hardest to be what my kids need me to be. 


Kind.  Even when they are yelling and swearing at me.

Forgiving and forgiving and forgiving.

I need to be these so I can show them the love of Jesus.
I have tried and tried to become what they need to be and began to lose sight of who I really am.  Isn’t that the way it always starts…losing vision, not being able to see?
So I sat down and wrote out who I am.  Here is my list….
The Pure One
 The disciple Jesus loves
Pressure on myself
Loves deeply
Fails daily
Learning to live grace
Counter of gifts
Freedom fighter
Vision caster
Lover of the broken
Lover of God
Risk taker
Comfort seeker
Truth teller
Spirit follower

I realized that I was not being ALL of me.  I was living in fear and guilt and wanting to serve and love my kids so they would heal and so I wouldn’t damage them with my unwillingness to love when they are displaying their anger over their deep loss.  I am denying much of who I am because I need to protect myself.  I need to be strong for them.  I get hurt.  But instead of acknowledging that, I disregard my feelings for the sake of being “Christ” to them.  Sick, I know. This is what happens to a mom who has taken in broken children.  

You begin to cope instead of love.  
You fear, instead of trust.  
You harbor guilt, instead of living grace.  

I was trying so hard to have grace for my kids that I neglected the grace for me. 
I am going to work on living ALL of me.  The good, the bad and the very ugly.  

I am going to receive instead of protect.  
I am going to live joy instead of control. 
I am going to be free to be myself instead of what I think my kids need. 

And most importantly…I am going to accept myself as Kathryn, The disciple who Jesus loves. 

So who are you?  How is your vision?  I challenge you to make a list.  You may be surprised at parts of yourself that you may be missing.  
I pray you will live Grace today.  
Grace for yourself.   
We can only see clearly through the eyes of Grace.