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Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Story Part 5

I lived a life of partying with intermittent trips to the hospital for kidney infections. I moved out again with my best friend, Marci, while attending college.  I met a young man who seemed to actually really care for me and treated me like a queen.  I began to realize that being treated like a queen equaled love to me.  He would shower me with his love and I ate it up.  He was in a band and had his pilot’s license so we had tons of fun going to bars so he could play in his band and then going on airplane rides to half Moon Bay for dinner.  I was happy and finally felt the love I craved.  This young man was truly a sweet, genuine person who really did love me.  But after 2 years of dating, we began to talk about marriage.  His family was of a different religion and I began to realize that if I married this man, I needed to understand what he believed.  So I went to his church and began to notice differences in what I had been taught in Young Life.  I went to the Christian book store and bought a book about his religion and what he believed.  Even with my limited knowledge, I realized that I couldn’t live with some of his beliefs.  This drew me more and more to God.  My roommate and I decided to go back to South Hills Church, where we attended Young Life meetings, to try out their single’s group.  We went to a small group that met on Wednesday nights.  The first person I met as I walked into the door was a man who had something I had never seen before…..GOD!  I don’t know how I knew, but his eyes lit up when he talked and I just knew this man knew God.  Now, you have to imagine this scene.  Here I am, miss party girl, with big hair (this was the late 80’s) and a tight skirt with an attitude.  And here was this engineer with a dark blue cardigan sweater with short black hair and preppy shoes.  He was SO not my type.  But there was something about him that drew me.  We really liked the bible study and began attending every week.  By this time I knew that I HAD to convert my boyfriend to Christianity.  I was so conflicted because here I found the man of my dreams that had long hair, was in a band and treated me like a queen.  He just HAD to accept Jesus!!!! So what is a young woman to do? I manipulated him to come to the bible study with me.  He came once and had no desire to convert.  My world began to unravel.  If I didn’t stay with my boyfriend, I may never be loved by another man.  Lest you have forgotten, dear reader, that I am ugly, shame filled and completely unworthy.  But yet I knew that I wanted God back in my life. 
One day, while I was reading the Bible, a voice called out to me.  It was not audible, but it was so clear in my heart that it could have been.  The voice said “It’s me or him, make your choice.”  I knew right away that this was God speaking.  And in my heart I knew I had to make a choice.  I couldn’t have my boyfriend and God too. He was forcing me to make a choice out of His great love for me. I chose God.  I broke up with my boyfriend.  It took a while because we kept seeing each other periodically because neither of us could fully let go. At the same time, I was still attending bible study and talking to this new guy that had God in his eyes. I found out his name was Dave Reginato and he was an engineer.  I also found out that he was not dating anyone because he wanted to get right with God and focus only on him.  So we became friends.  We did a lot of activities together with the singles group at church.  Almost every weekend we went to concerts, went on bike rides or hung out at a restaurant.  I was beginning to feel free. And God was growing my faith.  The seed that was planted through Young life was beginning to take root and grow.
After a few months of being “friends”, Dave asked me out to a Lockheed Christmas dinner.  OK….let me set the scene for you.  A huge room full of old men…..old, engineer men!  Enter Dave and Kathi.  Dave in his conservative suit and Kathi in a sexy bright red dress with spiked heels and big, blond hair!  Every head turned when we walked in to that room.  It was a bit uncomfortable and on top of it all, the waiter was hitting on me all night. Every time I got out of my seat, the waiter would slip me a note.  I was so flustered between the old men staring at me and the waiter hitting on me.  It was a complete disaster.  But after the dinner, Dave took me to a coffee house and we talked for hours.  I melted in his presence.  He was so confident and strong and good looking.  He had a true love for God and wanted to follow Him.  I had never met a man like him.  He was dreamy!  OK….I’m done now.
We dated for a year and half and we were both growing in the Lord.  I was getting counseling for my past and Dave was leading in many ways at church and being mentored.  I began to realize that my view of love was skewed.  When Dave didn’t shower me with gift, I felt like he didn’t love me.  He began to teach me what true love is.  That it’s a commitment and a choice.  That it was laying down your life for each other and working as a team.  This took some time to learn about love.  I wanted the gifts and attention.  But was realizing what I really needed was the unconditional love of God.  I was for the first time really falling in love.  Not just to get treated like a queen, but to give of myself for another person who I could trust and deeply commit my life to.  Then, we had the talk!  Let me digress for a moment. I love my husband dearly, so please do not judge him for what I am about to tell you. He was only trying to warn me.  OK.  So he took me to Round Table pizza and gave me this talk…..”I just want to let you know that if we get married we will not have a lot of money. I will never pursue money and if we get married, you have to be Ok with that.”  And in my dreamy state I said… “OK”.  Now that I look back, he could have said “let’s live in a hut” and I would have agreed. 
During this time of dating, I had to have my left kidney removed.  It was causing high blood pressure and I was getting frequent infections.  So I had yet another major surgery.  They made an 8 inch incision and removed my kidney.  The pain was horrible.  But I had Dave to comfort and encourage me.  Poor guy…he had no idea what he would be in for in the future concerning my health.  I really should have given HIM a talk….’My dearest David”, I would say, “I just want you to know that if you marry me you will have to live with having two children premature due to my health, more surgeries and infections and medication and you will someday have to give me injections of antibiotics and tend to my IV with the meds in my fanny pack and…..”   I’m glad I didn’t know what was ahead, he might not have married me.
One day, my roommate and her fiancĂ© were going to look for rings for their wedding. Dave asked me if I wanted to go with them.  He didn’t say, “let’s look at rings” or “maybe we can try some rings on just to see how they look”.  He said nothing (I’m not judging, but…. typical engineer)!  So we went with our friends to look at rings. I was so nervous.  What was he thinking?  Why didn’t he tell me what he was thinking?  We went looking and periodically he would say, “do you like that one?”  Or, “let’s try that one on.”  It was so awkward.  At the end of the day, HE BOUGHT A RING!  Still, all the way home, not a word!  I know what you are thinking…..why the heck are you with this guy? You will never have money and his social skills are retarded.  But wait, it gets better!  So he takes the ring home and hides it.  And doesn’t mention it again.  So here I am waiting.  Is he going to ask me to marry him?  If so, when?  It was torture!
Finally a couple months later, we are driving up to Mt. Shasta to visit his parents and he stops the car.  We get out of the car and he leads me to a vista point on a mountain near his parent’s house.  He takes out the ring and proposes to me with beautiful trees surrounding us.  I was elated!  We went to his parent’s house and told them the news.  I came to find out later that he went to ask my parent’s permission before he proposed to me.  Ok…is he redeeming himself yet?  I told you it would get better.  We had my dream wedding, thanks to my wonderful parents.  There was just one problem.  During this time of dating and engagement, I was tormented with demonic oppression.  I will not share with you the details, but I was fearful almost all the time and could not sleep some nights.  Counseling was helping, but the enemy again became more real to me than God.  During my wedding, while we were saying our vows, I felt the oppression again and almost fainted.  Why was I being tormented again? Why didn’t the enemy just leave me alone?  I was so happy with my new husband, but confused about where God was in my life.

Monday, April 16, 2012

You are not my mom

Oh the words that I hate to hear and yet almost every foster/adopted child has spoken (or yelled) these words and they have stabbed like a dagger, straight through my heart. It happened again a few days ago. One of my kids was adopted at age 3 and before he came to be our child, he experienced so much domestic violence and some of it toward him. He came to us filled with fear and shame. He has healed much in the last 6 years and has grown into an amazing, fun, creative boy. But he still misses his birth mom. For those of you who are not familiar with adopted kids, most of them think about their birth moms every single day. So when I went into his room to talk to him about lying to me and to ask him to pray with me, he turned his back on me and said “you are not my mom”. AS many times as I have heard those words, they never cease to torment me. If I am not his mom, who is? Aren’t I the one who tucks him in at night and kisses him and plays with him? Am I not the one who feeds him healthy meals and drives him to soccer and looks at his creative inventions? The truth is that I AM his mom, but I will never take the place of his birth mom. That bond will never be broken. It will never be totally healed. We have formed a bond that I hope will last a lifetime, but it will never be enough. It reminds me of how God adopts us into His family. We want a new life, but we are bonded to this world. We want to be loved by a Father, but our birth father (the enemy) calls us to be satisfied with being an orphan. God, like a loving and faithful Father, waits for us to bond with Him. We want to come running into His arms, but we hesitate. Even if we came from drug addiction or domestic violence, it is still more familiar than the loving arms of God. As my heart ached from the sound of his words, I quietly left his room. About 15 min later he called me to come back. He said he was ready to pray. So we prayed the prayer of forgiveness and I gave him a big hug. Bonded. A little more today than yesterday. Are you living as an orphan? If you are a follower of Christ, you need not be. Claim your identity as a child of God and embrace the Father’s love for you. Yes, at times it is foreign and uncomfortable. But as you bond with Him you will find life! As much as I long for my son to love and bond with me, I desire even more for him to know my Father, who will kiss him and tuck him snuggly in his bed. And that maybe for the first time in his little life, he can feel wholly and forever loved. He could find rest for his soul. He could find home